Наименование ID Цена   24ч
ChainSwap CSWAP 100x 3,203$  
80.72% -572.66% -844.09%
Unifi Protocol DAO UNFI 3,445 $  
87.97% 42.99% -1192.11%
IDEX IDEX 100x 3,503$  
-18.71% -251.63% -1422.53%
The Root Network ROOT 100x 2,808$  
-30.73% -117.71% -1992.11%
Dego Finance DEGO 1,390 $  
38.71% -381.84% -1091.26%
AVA AVA 0,545 $  
34.82% -226.28% -1171.78%
Cornucopias COPI 100x 3,406$  
6.19% -397.18% -829.73%
Samoyedcoin SAMO 1000x 7,908$  
89.28% -863.89% -1835.16%
BIM BIM 1,132 $  
2.2% -10.25% 4.57%
Reserve RSV 0,998 $  
-0.11% -0.3% -10.47%
Polytrade TRADE 0,755 $  
-26.27% -532.22% -378.27%
XSGD XSGD 0,752 $  
1.62% 19.67% 91.68%
League of Kingdoms Arena LOKA 0,161 $  
24.66% -461.89% -1871.27%
Botto BOTTO 0,584 $  
19.06% -645.22% -630.21%
Measurable Data Token MDT 100x 3,868$  
22.94% -437.97% -1369.77%